Thursday, January 15, 2009

January 15

Allie had her second day of school today and much to my surprise, it is picture day! Well, actually re-take day, but since she just joined, they are going to take hers. She wasn't really dressed for it, but that is OK. At least this time she will be happy, unlike the last time we tried school and she had red eyes from crying.

After I dropped her off, I went to Lance's school to volunteer in the work room. I managed to switch days with one of the other ladies so I can go while Allie is in school now and can actually get some work done. I am afraid she will miss it though. I finished up just in time for Lance's lunchtime, so I sat with him. He is such a silly boy. He was so excited to see me, but hardly talked at all. I had to drag stuff out of him. He is having a good day. They are learning about rocks apparently and seeing what they do in water. Oh the fun of 1st Grade!!


  1. Great picture, he looks so happy!

  2. He looks like he is enjoying his day and glad Allie had a good day at school School can be so dramatic for kids and parents too when it doesn't go well. Great pic.

  3. wow, great photos. He looks so happy, fantastic!!!

  4. He looks like he's having a fabulous day! Great photo!

  5. Wonderful photo and it sounds like he enjoyed eating lunch with you even if he didn't talk much! I remember those days, it so much fun when they're little - TFS!

  6. Sounds fun! My daughter is in grade 1 and I know she'd be excited to see me there for lunch. :)

  7. Awww he looks so happy to have you there! I am glad you had a good day :)

  8. Great shot and a great story to go with it!

  9. He DOES looks happy, glad Allie is happy with her new school as well. Unhappy school experiences can really overtake your life... here is from a gal who knows... Great caption! TFS!
