March 28 Jeff woke me up at 7:00 on a Saturday. I was a little upset with him until he showed me why he did it. It was snowing!! The end of March and snowing in Texas. CRAZY! It of course didn't stick to anything. It had been in the 70s the days before, but it was pretty neat to see. Definitely worth an early rise!
March 29 We spent most of the day outside working on Lance's bed. Jeff is building a bunk bed with a desk underneath. We have had the plans and the wood for a couple of months now (at least), but this was the first day of work on it. Of course did I get any pics of him working on it? NO! I came out with the camera and Allie wanted me to take a picture of her. So, I did. Then apparently I put it up and forgot about it. Oh well. I am sure there will be many other opportunities to get pics of the bed in progress.

March 30 Allie getting caught sneaking grapes out of the fridge. Like the hair?? She came to me with three "headbands" and wanted them all in her hair. So, I made piggies on the two sides and a pony in back. She ran around all day looking like this. Silly girl!

March 30 This is what you call a bad hair day. Lance took a shower the night before, but didn't bother to dry his hair before bed. Well, after a good night's sleep, this was the result. Needless to say, we had to wet it down and start over before going to school.

March 31 This is Allie getting her shoes on for school. She is still loving it, even though she is having a rough time with the transition between lunch and nap. Apparently she tends to throw temper tantrums when her teachers tell her that lunchtime is almost over. Funny thing is that once she calms down, she always naps.

March 30 Allie getting caught sneaking grapes out of the fridge. Like the hair?? She came to me with three "headbands" and wanted them all in her hair. So, I made piggies on the two sides and a pony in back. She ran around all day looking like this. Silly girl!

March 30 This is what you call a bad hair day. Lance took a shower the night before, but didn't bother to dry his hair before bed. Well, after a good night's sleep, this was the result. Needless to say, we had to wet it down and start over before going to school.

March 31 This is Allie getting her shoes on for school. She is still loving it, even though she is having a rough time with the transition between lunch and nap. Apparently she tends to throw temper tantrums when her teachers tell her that lunchtime is almost over. Funny thing is that once she calms down, she always naps.
April 1 We had soccer practice today and Allie and I went for the first hour or so of it. She ran around and had a great time. We came home and she took a bath, ate a second dinner and laid on the couch with Jeff while I helped Lance get ready for bed and do a little bit of homework. When I went to check on her, she had crashed. So, by 9:00, we had both kids in bed asleep and Jeff and I got to watch TV by ourselves. That almost never happens!

April 3 Allie had a birthday party this morning for her school friend Kate. Kate's mom is the music teacher at her school, so there were lots of kids from her class, as well as two of her teachers who also have kids around the same age. Allie was thrilled when we walked in and she saw Mrs Kim and then later Mrs Audra. She loves them so much! She had a great time at the party and I had a hard time getting her to leave. I think she would have stayed all day if I would have let her!
April 4 We had an Easter Egg Hunt today with the mom's group. Other than having to pull Lance away from the candy that came out of the pinata, so that the little kids could get some, we had a great time. The weather was pretty cold and windy for a while, but once we started the hunt, the clouds parted and the sun came out, which was really nice.
wonderful shots - each pic is something special! I had missed your posts/pics... to obad, that there is often a long silence between your posts! So it isn´t possible for me to say something to each pic ... in such a long post... that´s sad for you and your great shots...