January 25 - Jeff and Lance have been working on a helicopter model the last few nights. It is one they got for Christmas and apparently the person who gave it to them (me) knew nothing about models and managed to get one of the hardest kinds. They have to take each piece apart, glue and paint them. Lots of work, but Lance is loving it!
January 26 - Allie taking a bath. I actually let her use our tub and she had the best time. More like a small swimming pool for her! Then a pic of her asleep on the couch after bath time. She went to bed in her bed, but woke up about an hour later coughing. We brought her down and laid her on the couch with me. She ended up with her feet on the back of the couch, all sprawled out. Apparently, life is good!
January 27 - My new jewelery from Lia Sophia.
January 28 - Chicken nugget boy. Lance had a snow day today, well I guess ice day really. So, he was home all day. The kids had lots of fun playing together. I cooked chili for dinner - really, really good, but the beans didn't cook all the way and were hard - yuck. Of course my kids don't like "hot", so Jeff came home and surprised them with McDonald's. Happy kids!
January 29 - This is the view out my back porch. You can't really see it in the pic, but it was really foggy and cold looking.
January 30 - Allie and I went shopping for her party today. We spent WAY too much money on all things pink. Lots of necklaces, bracelets, ear rings, rings, tiaras and a couple of crafts. She couldn't wait to get home to wear one of her three new tiaras and ear rings. Too cute!