June 8
We made crayon mosaics today. We put crayon shavings on paper and then baked the paper in the oven (at the lowest it would go). Turned out pretty cool, but the wax from the crayons bled into the paper and made rings. Might try again on canvas sometime. The kids had a blast!
Lance went to ride bikes with a bunch of friends, so Allie and I played animal safari. I am always amazed by her imagination and her love of sorting. We sorted by animal type and by color and by size. Who knew you could do so much with a tub full of plastic animals!
June 9
I made muffins (from a box) today and they all had these strange protrusions coming out of them. I told the kids they were sticking their tongues out at us!
Today was the first day of the baseball tournament. I was really worried about Allie making it through the day since we were going to have to play up to three games. She took a bag of goodies and spent the entire first game drawing and coloring. Such a good girl.
We have not had the best season, so we weren't expecting a whole lot going into the tournament. Lance has been very lucky this season and has become the catcher, which he has come to love, even with the extra gear, which in Texas in May and June isn't always fun. He has really started to figure it out and is becoming pretty good!
He has been in a hitting slump the past couple of months too. He will go to the park with Jeff and hit ball after ball after ball into the outfield. Then he gets to the games and won't swing. We told him before the game that unless it was in the dirt... SWING! He actually listened to us and finally got a hit!
And made it home! We played three games on Saturday and one on Sunday. We were very proud of all the boys. Lance was very proud of himself, sore legs and all. Apparently squats all day long can even make a 10 year old tired!
June 11

We finally got signed up at the gym again and got to the pool. The kids are in HEAVEN!
June 12
We met some friends at the park today to play in the splash pad and have a picnic. After a few hours at the park, we all went for sno cones. We decided that it was so much fun, that the kids have decided that we will have "Treat Tuesday" every week.