Today, we went to the library for story time. They have it separated into big kids (1st grade and up) and little kids (five and under). Allie was so excited to go until they took Lance to the big kid class. Then she screamed. We ended up having to leave our room and go play with puzzles. She ended up having fun and just when she was ready to go back in, it was time to get the big kids. We were herded through a room, picked up the kids and got to pet a lizard on the way out - had to do with the theme of the day. Lance decided he wanted to check out a book on snakes and one on sharks. So, upstairs we went looking for books. We found the shark books and he picked out a book and a video. Allie wanted one too. Luckily, the butterfly section was right there and she got a video on butterflies (just to be like her brother...). Then, we walked around the corner to the snake section. On the way, Lance made me come back to look at a book he wanted. It is on Forensic Science. Yes, you read it right, Forensic Science. It has all kinds of stuff on bones, blood, fingerprints and who knows what else. I asked him if he was sure about it. He was, so we got it. I told him that I guessed he was my son since I have always loved that kind of stuff. Wanted to be basically a CSI when I was little. Funny that he has picked up on that too. Maybe my very early prediction of him being an architect was wrong!!
Anyway, we came home from the library, had lunch and met some friends at the sprinkler park by the school. They had a great time and we ended up seeing one of Allie's friends from school. That was a nice surprise! All in all, a great day. Kids were happy and un-grumpy most of the day. I, however, am exhausted! The summer might just do me in...