April 10 Allie had a princess birthday party with a bunch of friends. She loved getting to play with them!

April 11 FINALLY finished the puzzle!!!

April 12 Blowing bubbles.

April 13 Lance at the doc. Had a sore throat. Turned out to be strep! Luckily he never really felt that bad. Had to miss three days of school though...

April 15 Class picture day at school. Allie finally got to wear her favorite outfit that she got from Miss Kaysee for the first time!!
April 16 Walk-A-Thon at school.

April 17 Ummmm, what can I say. I have interesting friends!!

April 19 Allie and I showing off my star on the PTA wall of fame.

April 21 The bag I made for Teacher Appreciation week for Lance's teacher. I had all of the kids color on one square and then made it into a tote bag. She loved it!

April 22 My letter of appreciation from Lance's teacher for Volunteer Appreciation week!
April 23 Lance and Allie at the Purple Cow. They have a sprinkler pad right outside the gate and they have a "show" every evening. Pretty cool stuff!

April 24 Lance and Allie at Watters Creek. We went to get Juju Geri's Mother's Day present and stopped for lunch and a couple of pics.
April 25 Lance's Birthday!! We spent the day putting in new stone around the front beds and got some new furniture for the front porch. Looks so nice!!