Friday, June 25, 2010

June 24

We took the group of kids to lunch and ended up at the frozen yogurt shop.

June 23

The difference between eight year olds and 4 year olds???

June 22

I took the kids to the mall to get Lance's glasses fixed. Had to stop for lunch at Charley's!

June 21

Jeff and the kids eating their sno cones out of the holders they got Jeff for Father's Day.

June 20

The kids got out their bikes and Lance got out a board to "jump". Of course Allie had to try too. The child has NO fear!

June 19

Made our first trip of the season to the SnoCone Lady. I am not a huge fan of sno cones, but Jeff and the kids love them. Luckily, the wedding cake is delish, so I am happy to sacrifice for them!!

We got the kids water guns today. Jeff had to help make sure they worked. Look at Allie's face! She was out to get dad!!
I took the kids out a couple of days before to play in the yard and we could only find the Elmo sprinkler that is easily 7 years old. Obviously it doesn't work very well, so we got a new one.

June 18

Finally got to take the kids to the pool. They LOVED it!!

June 16

The kids made Shrinky Dinks for the first time. This was them checking them out after they came out of the oven.

June 15

Kind of a gross pic. This is the bee/wasp that stung my toe. Very, very uncool and painfull!!

June 11

We took Allie downtown for the Race the Bricks cirterium. We checked out a new restaurant and had a great Allie date night.

Monday, June 7, 2010

June 5

Jeff was fortunate to get tickets to the Texas Rangers game. It was supposed to be at 7:00 in the evening, but was moved up to 2:30 in the afternoon. If you have been to Texas in July at 2:30 in the afternoon, you can imagine how hot it was! At about the fifth inning, the kids were just about finished. Allie was crawling all over me and Lance was asking when it was over. Luckily, that was when we noticed the shade creeping over to us. About five minutes later, we were in glorious shade! They cooled off almost immediately and went back to having a blast. The seats were incredible. Ninth row, directly behind home base. We had so much fun!

May 30

Lance and Allie playing with their new gloves. I have TWO little baseball playing monsters on my hands now!

May 29

Jeff and Allie and I went to the neighborhood Memorial Day party (Lance was at a sleepover). I made her skirt and bow and appliqued the stars on her shirt. She loved it!

May 23

We got the kids some kites on sale at Target a while ago and haven't been able to find a good wind to fly them. Today was the perfect day for it.
My boy...

May 22

Sleepy girl...

May 21

So this is a terrible picture since it was dark outside and the camera didn't like the "action", but Lance has decided he might want to take up baseball, so he and Jeff have been playing catch in the backyard. He seems to love it!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Couple more...

May 19 Jeff got his new speakers and couldn't wait to put them up. Of course the kids had to help!

May 20 Just Allie looking pretty for her next to last day of school!